Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sitting on My Ass Thinking About Death Threats

I'm sitting on my ass more these days.. still working out but I never like work to interfer with my workouts! Anywho.. I hope to knock out some more cartoons for this blog which I've been neglecting now for awhile.

I see I have one subscriber.. so whoever you are, thank you! I thought I was alone in this and so I just worked around the cob webs from time-to-time but if someone is actually interested enough to subscribe then I guess I ought to get off my ass and get to work. No, well, really I work better sitting on my ass and working on this. But, you get my drift.

With all the crazy stuff coming out of Washington there's plenty to laugh about. And if not for laughter we all would end up knotheads writing death threats to whomever we didn't like. Which, isn't a bad hobby but only after you've retired and can't think of a single good thing to say about anyone anyhow.

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