Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Well, well, well, another year shot to hell and good riddance to it. 2009 hit a full "10" on my Suck-O-Meter.
Our nation blew its wad, and then some, on trying to spend its way out of the toilet. We've been running on Chinese yellow-backs for so long now I wouldn't be surprise to see our green-backs with "Made in China" printed on them one day. Don't laugh, the Chinese already make our flag for us.

What do I look for in 2010? Glad you asked. I hope 2010 is the year Barack Obama man it up and grow some balls. We haven't seen that yet. What we've seen is a guy with this huge ego running around reassuring us that he is the man to get the job done. What exactly IS his job I have no idea. He makes pretty speeches if you overlook the "uh,uh,uh" and the constant, "Let me be perfectly clear." I haven't heard this man being clear on a damn thing. I don't think he knows what in the hell he is doing. He knows one thing, he's black and he has a good paying job. And he has some pretty sweet wheels to go with a big title (thanks to us).

Barack Obama's government needs to get over itself or 2010 will be a real sludge-fest. More promises, more big talk and pretty speeches, and a lot of posturing and self-promoting. But one thing really good ought to come out of 2010.. with any luck we'll stop hearing how everything that's wrong with the world is because of George W. Bush. Obama's constant history rehashing is getting pretty thin. It's not as if the Democrats didn't help sink us. Remember when Obama sued, and won, Chase for not giving out enough "risky loans"? Yeah, way to go Einstein. Now of course he's on the other side of the fence where it's not so easy to hide his mistakes. And from what I can tell he's making plenty of them. At some point Obama has to stop milking this donkey and ride it because he's going to own it.

Oh yeah, by the way, Happy Freak'n New Year!

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