Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Piece of Shit from China

Holy shit! It's been awhile since I've posted anything here. I may be endangered of losing my 5 subscribers!

But look at this guy with his piece-of-trash "racer"! LOL.

Whenever I start feeling like shit about my life I look at this poor mutt in China, at his piece of shit car and you know what? My life isn't so bad after all!

Sure, I drive a piece of shit too. It has a broken windshield, muffler I have to rope up. The damn thing smokes oil, it has a weird attitude in second gear (but not all the time which is really freaky). The heater motor is rumbling, the radio will go out from time-to-time. It stinks, I look pathetic driving it.. but you know what?

IT STILL BEATS THE HELL OUT OF THIS PIECE OF SHIT! And if that isn't enough.. I'm not condemned to Hell trying to find a life in freak'n CHINA! HA!

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