Monday, February 15, 2010

I Want it All

Just between you and me I want it all. Sure I understand power to the people and all that crap. I know the rich bastards are working hard to keep us average Joe’s downtrodden. All anyone has to do to realize this is compare paycheck. I mean something is seriously out of whack for most of us.

Even if you have received a great education and are enjoying a fantastic-paying job you’re still on someone’s shit list. Unless you’re employed by some government agency chances are you’ve got one foot out the door already. You just may be too stupid to realize how easily you can be replaced in this fast pace hellish society of ours.

And don’t think for a moment guys like Barack Obama don't take advantage of the situation. They all do and you know it. If this weren’t true the problem of inequality would have been taken care of a hundred years ago instead of consistently getting worst every year, every election.

I wasn’t always this cynical. As a younger man I use to listen to these old bastards whine about how screwed up everything was. Now I’m one of those old bastards and I realize for the first time in my life just what the hell they all were saying and what they meant. Things are seriously messed up.

But I don’t like feeling this way. I still try to maintain a ‘can-do’ attitude even though at times it’s become a real challenge to give a shit. I don’t want the government to tax the hell out of the rich because I know (and again you do to) that it’ll only fall back on folks like us. Sure we like to pretend that it’s "get even time" with the rich but that’s all a bunch of shit. There isn’t any such thing as getting even. Getting even is an illusion created by the bastards running Washington. It’s a ploy to get elected then to get re-elected. It works because we love the idea, but we never really see anything come of it.

What have we all witnessed this past year? It sure as hell wasn’t the little guy getting bailed out! It wasn’t millions of dollars flowing into the public coffers. The flow was in the other direction and will continue to be so for as long as the rich bastards have that tit to milk.As for you and me… get over it. There isn’t a damn thing we can do about it. It is what it is. We can march on Washington, burn the stupid place to the ground and you know what? After all the name calling and hand holding we’d be right back on track digging the rich out of the hole they created.

And so, that’s why I want it all. I find it hard to hang onto so little. I feel like I’m stuck in a continuous cartoon and the only thing I have left is my sense of humor. Without that, what the hell am I doing here?

If I had it all then maybe I’d have a reason to march on Washington. As it is now I can’t afford to even get there. Hell, I’m trying to scrape up enough money to pay the electric so I can watch you march on Washington on television!

And here’s a parting thought: if I had it all I could afford to bail you out when they throw you in jail for protesting people who have it all!

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