Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Don't Shake Moe's Hand

Moe, of The Moe Radio Show on Q92, is a fat bastard by his own admission. Well, I dressed it up some.. but he does says he’s a fat "dude". He looks disgusting naked (again, by his own admission) but he likes his women "hot". They are always "hot" never, "a great looking woman."

Moe tells us he’s a selfish guy. He’s also rude as hell to anyone whom he doesn’t agree with. This sort of crap is very popular among most of the fools who ring him up on the radio. Even those half-wits who call to cuss him out when they know full well he’s going to bash their brains out with screaming and fuming. It’s ridiculous really. But I’m stuck listening to this guy rant about his fat ass and stupid opinions because my co-workers like to listen to him so they can ridicule nearly everything he says.

For example, Moe claims he just doesn’t understand guys who aren’t trying to lay every "hot girl" they can get their hands on. He admits to having sacked XX number of women in his short demented life. I’ve heard other fat guys brag like this but hey, Moe may well be on the level. I doubt though these "hot women" are after him because he’s on the radio! We all know people who make being on the radio a career are on the radio for a reason.. their voices are their best feature, if you know what I mean. I suspect these women are either high or drunk or both. You know near closing time everything looks "doable".. even guys like Moe I guess. "Hot women" doesn’t necessarily mean, "intelligent women."

Years ago I dated a woman who had it all going for her; big breasted, shapely figure and a face with sleepy eyes that just seemed to beg for it. In Moe’s terms she was "hot". But along with the promise of a good time came a nightmare of emotional highs and lows and what can only be termed "insanity unbounded".

For example, DeeDee (not her real name but I don’t want her looking me up with a freak’n suicide vest strapped to her big boobs), once dragged me out to the boondocks kicking, screaming and protesting to meet "Don Johnson", the actor. In her warped mind this hillbilly living in a beat up mobile home was "Don Johnson". Now he never said he was Don Johnson, she simply had convinced herself he was the famed actor. He looked nothing like Don Johnson! I’m talking NOTHING LIKE HIM AT ALL!

I remember taking one look at this drunk in a dirty T-shirt standing in the doorway of this trashed out mobile home, turning around, cussing DeeDee out and jumping in my car I left her with him way out in hillbilly land never to look back!

So much for "hot women" Moe, you freak’n retard. All any man needs is ONE good woman, everything beyond that simply makes you a pig. It’s quality that counts most in life, not quantity.

Recently Moe had a run in with a guy in a lavatory. The "old guy" as Moe put it, challenged him for not washing his hands after "going number 1". So for 15 minutes (or so it seemed) Moe ranted on how he washes his "junk" (again, Moe’s term for it) BEFORE he takes a piss! LOL LOL, what a knothead! Every two-year-old knows to wash his hand AFTER taking a piss but here’s lady-killer Moe telling us he washes his pecker BEFORE he takes a piss!

So let’s take a step back here for a minute and access the situation: A fat guy with strong sexual fantasies on the verge of total perversion who doesn’t wash his hands after taking a piss – every "hot" woman’s dream I’m sure.

But consider this: the guy is a Disc Jockey sitting on his fat, sweaty ass all day. Anyone who ever had to work next to a fat sweaty guy knows that’s not good. They stink. They stink because they’re constantly sweating. They stink because they tend to carry shit and piss in their underwear (you can smell it I’m not making this stuff up). And now Moe tells us proudly that he doesn’t wash his hands after handling his "junk"… OH MY FREAK’N GOD!

If not for the laughter in my office as this moron rant on about the "old dude who should be dead" criticizing him for his lack of class I think I would puke!

Now imagine this, knowing all of this about Moe, you walk up to him and he sticks his hand out to shake your hand. Do you accept it?

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