Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Welcome to Your New Life

So you say you're graduating college and now you're anxious to get your career and "new life" underway. You're looking forward to getting away from, really getting away from, those "old" folks who call themselves your parents but who never seem to really understand you at all.

You've suffered through 12 years of public school and maybe 2 to 4 years (or more) of college, freedom isn't around the corner, now it's clearly in site!

Well, hold your horses. The pain isn't over. In fact, it's just beginning.

Your first year on the job will blow up a lot of your illusions. But hey, it's only your first year right? There's better to come. After all, you're looking for a long career and only Lord knows where the years will take you. Well, the Lord and in all modesty.. me.

It isn't going to be a picnic.

After year one comes year two then year three. You'll be lucky to be employed not only by the same company three years from now but employed in your chosen field at all! And once you're busy slaving away at what you've been learning all these years.. which isn't necessarily what you think it is... you've actually been taught how to be a GOOD SLAVE... all sorts of things begin to happen in your life and in your head.

If you haven't already done so, then you may fall in love. Then comes the baby or babies. And all of the responsibilities that entails. Now things get really "interesting". Job, family, job, family, job, family. Slowly you and your better half find yourself drifting apart, pursuing other interests whenever you can find the time. And there's the haggling and arguments over finances, always a hungry third party of any marriage. Not to mention all of the unwanted "advice" by well meaning (?) in-laws.

Oh yeah, you're new life is going swell!

Then one day, after years of banging your head against the wall meeting the needs of needy employers you look in the mirror and wonder what the hell ever happened to YOU. Now you're the parent struggling to understand the brats you're putting through college, sweating over how you're going to pay for everything. But you're still hopeful. One day you're going to retire and if your employer doesn't rip you off and if you can keep the government out of your pocket long enough, and if your kids don't drive you to drink and drugs, you'll be able to retire!

Ah yes, so don't sweat that first year of hell on the job, there's 29 more to come and then one day, yes one day, you'll finally be able to settle down into that New Life you've been wanting all along.

That is, if you don't croak along the way.

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